Wordpress [WP] Cardamon мегашаблон на WordPress от Themeforest

19 Окт 2018
WP - Cardamon (10 разнообразных стилей) - мегашаблон на WordPress от Themeforest

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Cardamon WP Features:

    • Powerful theme customization tools: customize everything via simple and intuitive interface in your admin panel.
    • 10 amazing skins for different purposes included (corporate, creative, beauty, kids, medical, etc).
    • Awesome customizable mouse-responsive parallax backgrounds.
    • Unlimited number of page layouts with revolutionary layout builder. Create custom layout with only couple of clicks of a mouse.
    • Create pages for different types of content in 3 clicks: create page, select template and hit “publish”. Boom, your page is already there! No additional setup required.
    • 9 custom post types to store different types of your content: slideshows; photo albums; portfolio; catalog; video; team; benefits; testimonials; partners, clients, etc.
    • 4 awesome sliders highly customized for Cardamon: Nivo, Photo Stack, jFancyTile, Carousel.
    • Ajax filtering for portfolio, photo albums, catalog, photo and video gallery.
    • 8 layouts (4 with sidebar + 4 full-width) for Portfolio and Photo Albums (two-levels gallery).
    • 4 layouts for Photo and Video Gallery.
    • 15 page templates included:
      page with slideshow (with sidebar and full-width );
      portfolio (with sidebar and full-width);
      photo albums (with sidebar and full-width);
      photo gallery (with sidebar and full-width);
      video gallery (with sidebar and full-width);
      page with blog and slider (homepage with blogroll);
      blank page (with sidebar and full-width).
    • Password protected posts in Blog, Photo Albums, Portfolio, Photo and Video Gallery.
    • Unlimited widget areas.
    • 18 custom widgets.
    • 23 custom shortcodes with wide range of settings.
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